Friday, February 01, 2008

2008 T-Shirt Ideas

We'll always have jolliday
Wherever you go, there you are, and so is jolliday
Everywhere you go, always take jolliday with you
Definitely Jolliday, Always Jolliday
Find your fountain of youth in jolliday
Skipping(Leaping) across the country (statelines)
Jolliday nationwide: this is not a drill
A bi-coastal jolliday? I'd leap that
Leaping across the map
Jolliday Road
Putting jolliday on the map, literally
jolliday: its not such a leap
its not such a leap after the first sip
leap o' jolliday
a jolly good day to you
jolliday is my secret weapon
go to your local port

Go Dirty or Go Home
Are JuJuBees ok?
Let's do this
99% Awesome, 100% of the time
And you thought orange was just for fruit.
A No-nonsense brand of nonsense
A well-oiled machine for something that produces
It's not for deaf people

1 comment:

JenaNotJameson said...

jolliday. that's what she said.